February 11, 2025
1:00 PM ET / 12:00 PM CT / 10:00 AM PT / 6:00 PM GMT
Duration: 1 hour
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While artificial intelligence promises to change the working world eventually on a number of levels, the foundational, physical-layer support required for AI networks is changing the game today for specifiers, designers, and installers in the ICT industry. GPU-based AI networks completing training and inference processes are demanding low-latency data transmission at 800-Gbits and 1.6-Tbits/sec. These unprecedented requirements have required better-than-ever performance from every component and system in an AI network. This webcast seminar will describe how data-center and enterprise-network managers, along with ICT-system design and installation professionals, can succeed in navigating AI network demands. Covering optical cabling, cable management/pathways, thermal management, and other vital considerations, this webinar provides practical information on how to plan an infrastructure robust enough to support AI.
Ken Hall, RCDD NTS
Solutions Architect for Global Scale Data Centers
As Solutions Architect for Global Scale Data Centers at CommScope, Ken is responsible for fiber optic market development, technology and thought leadership, as well as high speed migration planning for CommScope. Currently focused on portfolio and market planning for 400G/800G+ technologies, Ken has vast experience in global program and project management, technical sales, marketing and industry standards. He has 9 patents to date for fiber optic connectors and infrastructure management solutions. Ken is a registered Communication Distribution Designer (RCDD) and Network Technology Systems Designer (NTS).
Moderator: Patrick McLaughlin
Chief Editor
Cabling Installation & Maintenance
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