Polished fiber cable assemblies

Jan. 1, 1997
Angle-polished and super-ultrapolished fiber-optic cable assemblies offer low reflectance performance. Angle-polished finishes have a return loss typically less than 72 dB, while super-ultrapolished finishes can achieve 55- to 60-dB return loss. SC and FC singlemode assemblies are available with an angle-polished finish. The super-ultrapolished finish is available on SC, FC and ST singlemode assemblies.

Angle-polished and super-ultrapolished fiber-optic cable assemblies offer low reflectance performance. Angle-polished finishes have a return loss typically less than 72 dB, while super-ultrapolished finishes can achieve 55- to 60-dB return loss. SC and FC singlemode assemblies are available with an angle-polished finish. The super-ultrapolished finish is available on SC, FC and ST singlemode assemblies.

Ai/focs Inc.

Franklin, MA

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