Black Box announced that it is expanding its line of Category 6A bulk and patch cables by offering additional colors and lengths.
The company’s GigaTrue 3 Lockable CAT6A 650-MHz patch cable (F/UTP) is now being offered in red, green, and yellow, in addition to the current offering of blue, gray, black, and white. This cable provides optional lockability when a locking pin is inserted into the company's patented LockPORT boot.
Also, the company's GigaTrue CAT6A 650-MHz UTP bulk cable (riser and plenum) is now available in green, red, and yellow 1000-foot spools, in addition to the existing blue, black, white, and gray cable. Both cable lines are ETL-verified for component-level performance as part of Black Box's CAT6A channel.
Finally, the company’s CAT6A 500-MHz F/UTP bulk cable (PVC and plenum) is now available in seven colors. In addition to the original blue, it comes in black, white, gray, green, red, and yellow 1000-foot spools. The cable’s foil shield virtually eliminates all ANEXT worries, contends the company. All cables are guaranteed for life, covered by Black Box's Double Diamond warranty.
“This cable expansion is in response to increased Cat 6A development rates,” says Ryan Hopkins, cable product manager at Black Box. “Color-coding network applications for easier identification is becoming standard practice with IT professionals.”
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