Arlyn S. Powell, Jr.
The primary source of basic market information for the electronics, computer, and telecommunications industries is the Electronic Industries Association (eia--Arlington, VA) and its affiliate, the Telecommunications Industry Association (tia).
In addition to releasing quarterly reports by market subsector for both domestic and export sales, the two trade organizations sponsor several publications that offer more in-depth analysis. The eia, for example, releases an annual Electronic Market Data Book with statistics on electronic, computer, telecommunications, military, and international markets. In addition, the tia, whose product area is covered in the eia annual, publishes a newslettter, Industry Pulse, and a weekly news bulletin sent by fax, Industry Beat.
Each organization also publishes a membership directory: the eia its annual Trade Directory and Membership List, and the tia (in partnership with America`s Network magazine) the tia Directory & Desk Reference.
The Fiber Optics lan Section (fols) of the tia has recently published an overview of the companies that conduct market research on fiber-optic local area network (lan) components, along with a list of available research reports. Market Research Com- panies and Available Reports is available at no charge by calling (781) 894-3693.