Patrick McLaughlin
Anixter Inc. (Skokie, IL), a provider of integrated communications systems and services, has announced that its Levels `97 program will include connectivity and modular cable assemblies, in addition to twisted-pair cable.
Anixter is calling the undertaking "Phase II of Levels `97." Frank Coletto, Anixter`s vice president of marketing for structured cabling systems, says a formal announcement will likely be made at bicsi`s (Tampa, FL) Winter Conference, to be held January 19 to 22, 1998, in Orlando, FL.
"Our original plan called for Anixter Levels `97 to include the entire channel from the personal computer to the hub," says Coletto. "However, our customers told us that there was such a strong need to redefine the current cable specifications, so we decided to get that part of the program to market as quickly as possible."
When announced in April, Levels `97 defined the performance characteristics beyond 100 megahertz, the frequency addressed in the tia/eia-568a cabling standard. Anixter`s rationale for introducing the program is that transmission beyond 100 MHz is necessary for advanced applications such as intranet technology, three-dimensional imaging, multimedia programs, and broadband video.
According to Coletto, most of the comments Anixter has received from customers on the Levels `97 program have been positive. He says, however, that he has heard other comments--most of which come from Anixter`s competitors--that the program is simply a marketing tool. "But overall, the comments from contractors and integrators have been very positive," he says. "Many of them have been to the effect, `What took you so long?` "
Detailed information about Anixter and the Levels `97 program can be found at the company`s Web site at