These singlemode, factory-terminated, angled-physical-contact cable assemblies are available with SC or FC connectors. FC assemblies come with either a 2- or a 2.15-millimeter connector key. The assemblies have a mean insertion loss of 0.2 dB, with a maximum reflection of -70 decibels. Both include zirconia- ceramic ferrules and a pull-proof design and comply with Bellcore`s TR-NWT-000326 requirements.
These singlemode, factory-terminated, angled-physical-contact cable assemblies are available with SC or FC connectors. FC assemblies come with either a 2- or a 2.15-millimeter connector key. The assemblies have a mean insertion loss of 0.2 dB, with a maximum reflection of -70 decibels. Both include zirconia- ceramic ferrules and a pull-proof design and comply with Bellcore`s TR-NWT-000326 requirements.