Auerbach Publications (Boston, MA) has found a way to bridge the gap between books and periodicals, offering both timely and comprehensive coverage of information management. Although Auerbach is not the discoverer of this methodology--legal publishers have been offering loose-leaf subscription services for years--it has now applied this technique to information management, a field that is both rapidly changing and technologically complex, the two qualities that best suit such a publishing method.
Auerbach`s loose-leaf publishing service begins with a basic one- or two-volume binder covering an aspect of information management--information-management strategies, systems and technologies; end-user computing; data communications; systems development; database management; data center operations; electronic-data-processing auditing; and data security management. The single-volume series includes 70 to 80 articles on different aspects of the topic; the two-volume series includes 125 articles or more.
Each loose-leaf series is then updated every two months, with a total of 24 new articles for the single-volume series and 30 for the two-volume series. Auerbach has further improved its offering by recently introducing these eight basic loose-leaf series on a single, integrated cd-rom. Entitled the Auerbach Information Management Service (aims), the service sends you a new cd-rom every two months, the text of which you can search by means of a keyword or other search strategy.
FolioViews search software also offers a navigator feature to help you keep track of searches and a time and activity log to record time spent searching. In addition to its search capabilities, aims lets you cut and paste information, transfer it to your word processor, and print it out.
Network and non-network versions of this Windows-based product are available. For technical specifications, pricing, or other information, contact Auerbach at (800) 950-1218, or fax (617) 423-1914.