CommScope has released a 12-page white paper entitled Cabinets 101: Configuring A Network Or Server Cabinet. The document is essentially a collection of topical FAQs, answered by the company. Its table of contents is as follows:
Background Information
-- What is a network or server cabinet?
-- What is the difference between a network and a server cabinet?
-- What about the positioning of the rails?
-- What is the maximum load bearing capacity of the cabinets?
-- What about cooling?
-- How should cable management be handled?
-- What about security?
How to Build a Cabinet for Your Needs
-- What size cabinet should be purchased?
-- How many side panels are needed?
-- Are blanking panels needed?
-- What other air flow management components are there?
-- Does CommScope support side breathing equipment?
-- How about additional cooling?
-- What cable management options are there?
-- What happens if the equipment is not rack mountable?
-- What other accessories are available?
-- What about PDUs?