EPA expects Energy Star rating for data centers next year
April 29, 2009
April 29, 2009 -- The Environmental Protection Agency's manager of Energy Star for commercial buildings says the agency will use PUE and DCiE as benchmarking measurements.
April 29, 2009 -- In an online article posted earlier this month, the Environmental Protection Agency's manager of Energy Star for commercial buildings Michael Zatz stated the EPA expects to begin granting the Energy Star label to the most energy-efficient data centers beginning early next year. (Search our site for mentions of energy efficiency and data centers.) The article, posted at computerworld.com, states that data centers will be able to use an online energy-benchmarking tool to enter information about their energy use and operational characteristics.
Zatz acknowledges that developing a rating system is complicated and that much work still remains before such a system is established. He did announce, however, that the EPA will use the Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) and Data Center infrastructure Efficiency (DCiE) metrics.