AT&T suing for $5 million over Level 3's breached fiber-optic deal; Paper addresses trends in fiber-optic connector cleaning.
This week's top 5 cabling and wireless stories
Here's a round-up of the top trending stories at from the past week.
AT&T suing for $5 million over Level 3's breached fiber-optic deal -- Law360 (Washington, DC) is exclusively reporting that AT&T Corp. has accused Level 3 Communications LLC of breaching a licensing agreement by refusing to pay for the use of a fiber-optic cable system.
Paper addresses trends in fiber-optic connector cleaning -- Clean, reliable optical connectors are paramount in providing a reliable, high performance fiber infrastructure, contends a new white paper from Fischer Connectors.
Accelerating LTE wireless infrastructure seen putting 'extreme pressure' on fiber core -- WinterGreen Research study concludes that LTE wireless infrastructure technologies are driving much higher capacity from the base station back to the fiber core, and that the fiber core is putting extreme pressure on service providers' infrastructure and backhaul networks.
China's Syoptek announces sharp price cuts on fiber-optic tools, kits, testers -- Inspection microscopes, optical light sources, fusion splicers, fiber identifiers, visual fault locators and other tools are now being offered "at unthinkable rates" of discounted prices, said the Shenzhen, China-based manufacturer.