Sumitomo Electric Lightwave has launched its Quantum Type-Q101-VS V-Groove fusion splicer. As the third model in the company's Quantum Splicer product line, Sumitomo says the design of the new Quantum VS is based on market demand for a technologically advanced yet affordable fusion splicer that provides the speed, performance and efficiencies for use in data center, enterprise, FTTx, OEM, and communication network applications.
The Quantum Type-Q101-VS V-Groove fusion splicer features patented dual independent heat shrink ovens that eliminate the heat waiting time for streamlined, consecutive splices, making the tool one of the fastest V-Groove splicers available, that can increase splicing efficiency by 70%, according to the company. Like the previously released Quantum Type-Q101-CA Core Alignment and the Quantum Type-Q101-M12 Mass fusion splicers, the Quantum VS v-groove splicer also features a fully functional touch-screen interface, making splicer function navigation more intuitive, faster, and easier than traditional keypad interfaces. Like its predecessors, the Quantum VS incorporates both the touch-screen and keypad interfaces to offer technicians a preferred choice.
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Like all Quantum fusion splicers, the Quantum VS v-groove splicer also supports an Internet interface for 24/7 remote maintenance, an SD port for virtually unlimited data storage, and the capability of downloading and uploading work related splicing project data, training videos, audio, and software. The key feature of this splicer is that it incorporates these industry-only advanced features, yet is one of the most competitively priced v-groove splicers on the market, says Sumitomo.
Without compromising full splicing functionality, performance, and ruggedness, the Quantum VS is compact at 120w x 154D x 130H mm and weighs only 2.1kg with battery, making it easier to carry and work within the many small, confined spaces characterizing the data center, enterprise network, FTTx and outside plant work environments. Despite its small footprint and light weight, the Quantum VS boasts a large 640 x 320 fiber view and long electrode life, while complying with the most stringent shock, waterproof, and dust resistance requirements.
The new splicer is compatible with the Lynx2 CustomFit Splice-On Connectors for customized, on-site cable builds and terminations. Orders and shipping for the unit are immediately available.
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