Get Berk-Tek's SmartPAK cost savings calculator

May 10, 2013
App tallies cabling scrap, labor savings.

Berk-Tek recently unveiled its SmartPAK packaging, which houses 1,500 feet of UTP cable per box, allowing more cable runs while reducing scrap.

Now, as noted at Communications Supply Corporation'sCSC Blog, the company has also released an associated online savings calculator, allowing cabling contractors the ability to estimate the savings that using the SmartPAK packaging might afford them on specific projects.

The calculator is pre-populated with cabling industry standards; simply enter your project cable length, hourly labor rate, and anticipated scrap, and your savings appear.

Go to Berk-Tek's SmartPAK Cost Savings Calculator.

View/Download CSC's SmartPAK How To Guide with iPad installation instructions.

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