Seiko Epson Corporation today announced it has acquired K-Sun Corporation; both companies produce label-manufacturing equipment including cable labeling devices and tools. When announcing the deal, Epson said, “The acquisition of K-Sun, with its more than three decades of experience in the industrial identifications solutions market, will provide Epson with broader access to labeling customers and influencers, as well as expand the company’s presence in the industrial labeling market.”
Epson also explained that is supplied K-Sun with label printers on an OEM basis for 20 years prior to the acquisition and that it believes “acquiring its partner will enable it to better serve industrial customers with the ever-expanding line of Epson label printing solutions.”
Recently Epson introduced the LabelWorks LW-600P printer for the cable labeling and hardware labeling needs of IT managers, AV professionals and cabling installers. In fall 2014 Epson debuted a smartphone- and tablet-based datacom cable labeling solution that works in conjunction with the LW-600P.
Commenting on the acquisition of K-Sun, Epson’s visual products operation division’s chief operating officer, Junichi Watanabe, said, “We are delighted to take our partnership with K-Sun to the next stage. The acquisition will not only give us access to K-Sun’s expertise in industrial label printing, but will help boost Epson brands and increase exposure of Epson’s label printers in this important market.”
K-Sun’s founder and president Michael Kasun added, “K-Sun has enjoyed a strategic partnership with Epson since 1994. Now as a member of Epson’s prestigious group of companies, we are very excited for our future and the new products and supplies that we can offer our customers, as well as the expanded opportunities for our employees.”
Beginning in January 2015, K-Sun will begin selling the Epson-branded LabelWorks lineup of printers for industrial applications. Epson America will continue to focus its promotion of the LabelWorks products to consumer and office markets. Epson said product-line expansions will follow.