--Gail Leach Carvelli
More than 2000 people visited the Charlotte Convention Center (Charlotte, NC) in October to attend the first-ever Cabling Installation Expo. Called the ultimate "how-to/what-with" event, the show featured 123 exhibitors and was sponsored by PennWell Publishing Co.`s Cabling Installation & Maintenance magazine (Nashua, NH) and bicsi (Tampa, FL).
"For our first year it was exactly what we expected," says Dave Janoff, Penn- Well group vice president, "an opportunity for manufacturers and users of this equipment to get together and discuss what is new in the market."
These dialogs were fostered by a wide range of exhibits, product forums, and bicsi education programs. "This show was truly the first of its kind," Janoff adds.
At the event, bicsi launched its Installation Training and Registration Program, which leads to registration for telecommunications cabling installers at three levels--apprentice, installer, and technician. "The bicsi board and I are extremely pleased," says Jay Warmke, bicsi executive director. "For a first-time show, it was as flawless as you could hope for. It was a top-notch experience."
With 123 exhibitors in nearly 150 booths, the exhibit floor was packed with displays by manufacturers, distributors, contractors, associations, and service providers. In addition, Product Forums, which were held every half hour during the show, let exhibitors demonstrate some of their new products and services in a more focused setting.
Plans are already under way for Cabling Expo `97, which will return to the Charlotte Convention Center from October 13 to 15. PennWell`s Janoff indicates that changes will be made to the program. For example, exhibit hours will be adjusted so that they are not concurrent with bicsi`s education programs. "This will enable those attending the workshops to have an increased opportunity to visit the show floor," he explains. The location of the Product Forum will also be moved to the lounge area, which will give these informative product demonstrations increased exposure.
"We are continually evaluating the show in ways that will benefit the attendees and vendors," Janoff notes, adding that he is always open to suggestions. "We want this show to continue to be the ultimate `how-to/what-with` event for installers."
Anyone with suggestions can call Dave Janoff at (603) 891-9152 or e-mail him at [email protected]. To reserve a booth for next year`s event, call Marianne Lewis at (603) 891-9241, or e-mail: [email protected]. For general information about the show and its education programs, call Beverly Arce at (603) 891-9142, or e-mail: [email protected]. For questions about bicsi, call (800) 242-7405.