Arlyn S. Powell, Jr.
Senior Associate Editor
As editors of Cabling Installation & Maintenance, we receive dozens of press releases and product announcements daily. We also sift through trade magazines, conference proceedings and other publications looking for stories that we think you will be interested in. (These activities, of course, are in addition to going to meetings and shows, visiting installers and suppliers, and spending a lot of time on the phone.)
It occurred to us recently that you need more information than we`re currently able to supply you with in the pages of our monthly magazine. And so, this month, we`re launching Cabling News, the first newsletter to serve the cabling industry.
The newsletter will come out twice a month and, unlike Cabling Installation & Maintenance, its emphasis will be news rather than "how-to" information. Its entire focus will be on helping installers of voice, data and video cabling--whether fiber or copper--to succeed in this rapidly changing, technologically complex marketplace. This emphasis on news and the business aspects of cabling will make it truly complementary to its parent magazine, which takes an in-depth look at technology, product and standards issues.
To make Cabling News even more timely, we will be offering it via the Internet to charter subscribers. We feel that this new publication will fill a large information gap among our readers, bringing them up-to-the-minute news on standards, technologies, products, companies and market trends. The newsletter will also feature the same incisive reporting and peer-to-peer perspective that have made Cabling Installation & Maintenance the premier publication in the industry.
You`ll find subscription information elsewhere in this issue. As always, we look forward to hearing from you--about the parent magazine, about the new newsletter, or about any of our other efforts to bring you a comprehensive body of information about the cabling industry.