Q: I am a college student finishing my last semester of a communications program. While I am looking for employment, I would like to get some kind of certification for cable installation. Do you know of any certification programs that do not require years of experience or extensive entrance applications?
Keith Vandegrift
Pennsylvania College of Technology
Williamsport, PA
A: I`m not aware of any undergraduate degree-equivalent programs for cabling installers. However, there are a number of manufacturer-sponsored installer-certification programs available today, and all they require are money and time. Most of the certifications require you to pay a fee, attend a course and take a test. Some require that you pass the test.
Also, I recently learned that the Building Industry Consulting Service International (Tampa, FL) plans to develop a program designed to "evaluate and register an individual`s telecommunications installation knowledge." The organization is developing a curriculum of generic installation courses that will be offered by the BICSI Institute. BICSI anticipates the courses will be available in the last quarter of 1995.
Donna Ballast is a communications analyst at the University of Texas at Austin and
a BICSI RCDD. Questions can be sent to her at Cabling Installation & Maintenance or at PO Drawer 7580, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78713. Phone (512) 471-0112, fax (512) 471-8883. Internet address: [email protected].