Arlyn S. Powell, Jr.
Senior Associate Editor
The Building Industry Consulting Service International Inc. (Tampa, FL) recently announced its plan to establish a registration program for telecommunications cable installers. To be modeled on BICSI`s 10-year-old program for registering designers of low-voltage telecommunications systems, the new initiative will be conducted through BICSI`s training arm, the BICSI Institute. The curriculum of generic installation courses is expected to be in place by the end of this year.
According to Jay Warmke, BICSI executive director, "The installer`s registration program will attempt to address the growing complexities of low-voltage installation and the critical part installation plays in total system performance."
We at Cabling Installation & Maintenance applaud and support this BICSI initiative. The organization`s Registered Communications Distribution Designer program, after which the upcoming effort will be modeled, has become a respected credential in the industry for telecommunications system designers. BICSI, as a nonprofit industrywide association, is the appropriate body to develop an even-handed and generic curriculum, examination and registration for system installers, as well.
BICSI has not set itself an easy task. The products of different vendors vary, so it will be difficult to establish uniform and comprehensive installation procedures. Another challenge will be the need to verify installation skills, as well as installation knowledge: Book learning will not be adequate for the cabling installer, because proper manual techniques will also be needed.
We urge vendors, contractors and other interested parties in the cabling industry to lend their support to this BICSI effort. With industrywide cooperation, the challenges facing an installer registration program can be met in a timely fashion.