I read your article, "Cabling contracting-an emerging giant?" (See "Crosstalk," May 2001, page 148). As a telecom contractor since the mid-1980s, I am always amused at the twists that are applied, only to find that company, as you pointed out, no longer in existence.
Fifteen years ago, my company was unique. Today, I see a new "somethingcom" every time I stop at a light. The good news? We were here before them, and we'll be here after them.
I have a friend working on an association of affiliates for a national presence, and while I wish him luck, it's my opinion that you have to "golden handcuff" them in order to ensure that they will be around next week.
Dan Gibbons, President/CEO
Multicom Corp., Phoenix, AZ
A capital offense
This letter is in response to your invitation to put my telephone query in writing. You referred to an "editorial stubbornness" causing the continuation of the big "E" for enhanced Category 5. Of course, editorial license is one of your prerogatives, yet I wonder how many other readers have also been wondering about the "E" usage?
Werner Miller
Poe Enterprises Inc., Virginia Beach, VA
You know what? You're right. Many vendors promote 5e rather than 5E, and so does the BICSI Telecommunications Dictionary. Stubborn no more, from this point on, we are repenting of our capital offense.-Ed.