Patrick McLaughlin
High-technology information provider PennWell Advanced Technology Div. (Nashua, NH) recently announced that it will be launching a European cabling magazine in January 2000. The details of Cabling Installation & Maintenance Europe were unveiled at a press event at Cabling Systems Europe in Paris, Oct. 6.
"Cabling Installation & Maintenance Europe," says group publisher Jay Regan, "will be part of the highly successful Communications Group of PennWell`s Advanced Technology Div. The new magazine, which will be published every other month initially, will be modeled after Cabling Installation & Maintenance, which has come to be the premier cabling publication in the North American market since its launch six years ago." Cabling Installation & Maintenance already boasts an Australia/New Zealand edition as well as translations into Russian and Chinese.
According to group editorial director Arlyn S. Powell, Jr., the European publication will be editorially based and printed in Europe. "This will not be a so-called `European edition` of our U.S. publication," says Powell. "We`ve done extensive interviewing and research in Europe, and we`ve learned that the continent wants--and expects--its own pan-European cabling magazine."
Cabling Installation & Maintenance Europe will be printed in the European A4 format and will be written and edited by a European news and editorial staff. "We will offer a mix of news, technology, product information, standards, business, and `how-to` coverage similar to that of the U.S. publication," Powell explains, "but the content will be totally and uniquely European. For instance, we will focus significant coverage on shielded twisted-pair cabling, which is the dominant cabling medium in several European markets."
Cabling Installation & Maintenance Europe will be mailed to 10,000 technical managers with buying influence in the premises data-communications and telecommunications cabling industry, according to Regan. "Initially," he adds, "our focus will be on reaching design and installation contractors, with a strong emphasis on the information-technology end-user community as well. If we have the initial success that we expect to have, we will increase our frequency to monthly and add more subscribers."