If you`ve worked diligently to eradicate all possible millennium bugs from your network hardware and software, this month`s online feature--"Turn Y2K into a cable-management success story"--says you`ve also set the stage for a quick and efficient upgrade. Based on the fresh details you`ve gathered about your current connectivity system, the complaints that you`ve logged about current network performance, and your existing plans for network upgrades, you`re in a great position to plan a major system redesign.
But all that valuable info had better not be stored in your head or on scattered pieces of paper. Put it in a database that`s associated with a cable- and wire-management module of a comprehensive telemanagement system. Compile a suite of capabilities that will help you manage assets, processes, costs, and security--and give you a solid, documented framework with which to get from the beginning of your upgrade project to the finishing touches.