Dunn Harvey uses the term "retire" loosely. After 32 years of service at Bell Canada, he retired only to be hired at NORDX/CDT, where he worked as the senior manager of standards for the last nine years. During those years, he gave 500 to 600 presentations on various evolving standards and served in various capacities on boards such as the ISO/IEC and TIA. He also chaired the Canadian Standards Association. Harvey recently "retired" from his post at NORDX/CDT, but how long he stays "retired" remains to be seen.
"You don`t really retire in this line of work, you just wait for the next call," says the 61-year-old resident of Quebec, Canada. "My job is to take standards that are pies in the skies and bring them down to earth. I wouldn`t mind doing some consulting."
This month on our Web site, we`re profiling Dunn Harvey. See what this standards guru has to say about the mandates that ultimately shape the cabling industry. Harvey will be the second industry professional to be featured in "Profiles in Cabling," a new monthly Web site feature.