The FiberExpress Bar Cabling System is modular and designed to reduce labor-related costs associated with fiber-optic cabling installation. The system`s components include a mini patch-panel, called the FiberExpress Bar, and a custom length of fiber-optic cable preterminated at both ends. Installers use the new mtp multifiber connector to snap together the system`s components. The six or 12 preterminated fiber connectors housed in the FiberExpress Bar further reduce the installation process by eliminating the need to terminate fibers to patch panels.
Using the FiberExpress Bar Cabling System requires no special skills, training, or tools. According to the company, a 100-foot installation with a 24-fiber backbone and multimode ST connectors at both ends in a 24-port patch panel takes 15 minutes or less with the system.
Available with either singlemode or multimode fiber and various connector types and configurations, the FiberExpress Bar system meets an array of connectivity requirements. Its modular structure can also be adapted to accommodate network changes and growth.