Catherine Varmazis
OK, you`ve documented all the elements of your network with asset-management software. Now comes the part you really dread: contacting all those manufacturers to determine their products` Y2K compliance. The countless calls, being put on "hold," the faxes, the paperwork...!
If that describes your situation, you may be glad to hear that there is help for this part of the job. Infoliant Corp., a Pittsburgh, PA-based firm, offers its Year 2000 Network Advisor, which eliminates the calls and, instead, lets you do the job through your computer.
The product is an interactive online database that catalogs Y2K-readiness information of more than 20,000 desktop, midrange systems, and network hardware and software products from more than 400 manufacturers. Subscribers access the Year 2000 Network Advisor through the Internet with a standard web browser, or by having it set up on their organization`s internal network.
The database lets subscribers create their own portfolio of products in their network and provides them with unlimited e-mail notifications as compliance information is added by manufacturers. One feature lets users navigate to a specific manufacturer in their portfolio with a single click, while another feature helps them find products faster by clicking on column heading, such as manufacturer name, compliance status, and weighting factor (the importance the user has assigned to a particular product).
The cost of the Year 2000 Network Advisor varies according to a subscriber`s usage level, but the base price is $2750. For more information and a demonstration, see, or call (412) 391-8803.