APC (www.apc.com) has announced a new set of courses and educational partners for its Data Center University by APC program, an online educational institution for IT professionals, engineers, and others involved in building or operating server rooms and data centers. The company says the vendor-neutral courses focus on the critical technologies and best practices relevant to the implementation of scalable, modular data center infrastructure.
According to the company, since its launch in January, the Data Center University program’s online courses have become a valuable resource for IT professionals seeking “real-world” training on the fundamental issues surrounding the network-critical physical infrastructure (NCPI) of data centers.
Initially consisting of 20 courses in the subject areas of data center design, building, and operations, the program has added 15 new courses, which are available online at www.datacenteruniversity.com.
Topics for the new courses include: calculating total cooling requirements; advantages of row and rack-oriented cooling architectures (parts 1 and 2 in a series); fundamentals of cooling architecture; calculating total power requirements; inter-system ground noise and impact on data center availability; generator system requirements for data centers; maximizing RFID network system availability; specifications of data center power density; fundamental principles of network security; standardization in the data center; emergency power off; guidelines for specifications of data center power density; power distribution techniques (part 1); and financial planning for NCPI assets in U.S. data centers.
APC notes that “actual data center executives with decades of combined experience” participated in the development of the courses. Further, in addition to maintaining its original partnership with IEEE, the Data Center University by APC program recently agreed to new educational partnerships with several technology and professional organizations, including the Healthcare Information and Management System Society (HIMSS), the International Facility Management Association (IFMA), the Illinois Society of Professional Engineers, and BICSI.
Additionally, engineering boards from 18 U.S. states will award credit for completion of courses in the program toward maintenance of state board licenses. The company says the program will also offer certification paths beginning in the fourth quarter.
“The response APC has received to the Data Center University by APC curriculum with its foundational level and advanced courses has been overwhelmingly positive, leading to this quarter’s course expansion,” comments Dave Johnson, APC’s vice president, Americas.