lanmark-1000 cables are fully characterized for complete power-sum electrical parameters (ps-next, ps-acr, and ps-el fext). The cables use all four twisted pairs in the cable to handle higher data-rate applications, and additional bandwidth is available for future applications. lanmark-1000 can be used for 622 atm, video (digital and broadband), and present and future 1000Base-T applications. The cables are ansi/tia/eia-568a-compliant and are tested to 500 megahertz.
lanmark-1000 cables are fully characterized for complete power-sum electrical parameters (ps-next, ps-acr, and ps-el fext). The cables use all four twisted pairs in the cable to handle higher data-rate applications, and additional bandwidth is available for future applications. lanmark-1000 can be used for 622 atm, video (digital and broadband), and present and future 1000Base-T applications. The cables are ansi/tia/eia-568a-compliant and are tested to 500 megahertz.