Public Utilities Reports Inc. (Vienna, VA) has published The New Telecommunications Industry: Meeting the Competition, which examines today`s telecommunications industry and the changes that are radically affecting it. The book focuses on the interconnected, two-way, switched telephone network that is the backbone of the nation`s telecommunications system.
Co-authored by Leonard S. Hyman, a senior industry advisor to Smith Barney; Edward DiNapoli, a 30-year telecommunications industry professional; and Richard C. Toole, a securities analyst in the areas of telecommunications, utilities, and transportation, the book is divided into seven parts--"The Telecommunications Industry in One Easy Lesson," "Operating the System," "Organization, Development and the Rise of Competition," "Regulatory Foundations and the Rise of Competition," "Finance: Basics, Analysis and Results," "The International Marketplace," and "Conclusion." The authors deal with these aspects of telecommunications in nontechnical terms for an informed--but not expert--reader.
The 480-page book closes with appendixes that include an examination of the Internet, a chronology detailing major events in telecommunications history, a bibliography of important books and articles, and a section of historical statistics. It also contains three indexes--subject, figure, and table. For more information, call Public Utilities Reports at (703) 847-7720, or visit its Web site at