Signetel`s TroubleShooterPlus cable tester is a broad-spectrum step time-domain reflectometer (tdr) that gives cable technicians diagnostic data needed to initiate cable restoration. According to the manufacturer, the device tests the characteristic impedance of Category 3, Category 5, and coaxial cable with better than 1-inch resolution over 4800 feet.
Signetel`s TroubleShooterPlus cable tester is a broad-spectrum step time-domain reflectometer (tdr) that gives cable technicians diagnostic data needed to initiate cable restoration. According to the manufacturer, the device tests the characteristic impedance of Category 3, Category 5, and coaxial cable with better than 1-inch resolution over 4800 feet.
Equipped with a 200-picosecond rise time and continuous graphic display, the tdr also features a push-button menu selection of startup settings, memory store and recall, printer, test mode, display mode, and cable type. The reflectometer pinpoints shorts, opens, and impedance-matching problems in cable, patch cords, and connectors. The autoscan feature lets users find major faults as well as the end of the cable. Options include a companion printer for local printout of test results and Windows software that allows for test-result storage on a personal computer.
The 7-pound device measures 10.5x165 9.5x165 4.5 inches and has a liquid-crystal display screen of 4.5x165 2.5 inches. The tdr is priced at $4995.