UL Directory provides wide-ranging product data
Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL--Northbrook, IL) is a nonprofit, independent testing organization dedicated to public safety. More than one hundred years old, UL tests products, systems, and services from many different in-dustries at 200 facilities worldwide. Although there are many different independent testing laboratories, the UL mark is perhaps the best-known in North America, and it is certainly found on many electrical, low-voltage cabling, and firestopping products.
Many product types of interest to the low-voltage cabling industry are described in UL`s General Information for Electrical Equipment, 1997 edition, which sells for $11.00. Separately indexed for electrical construction equipment, hazardous locations equipment, electrical appliance and utilization equipment, and fire protection equipment, the directory both explains where full standards and testing information can be found in the extensive library of UL publications and describes briefly what the standards, requirements, and considerations are for each class of products. In many cases the discussion refers back to relevant sections of the National Electrical Code and other public-safety and standards documents. Thus, the directory can provide you with an in-a-nutshell discussion of many of the low-voltage products with which you may be familiar, and it can provide a brief introduction to new types of products with which you are currently unacquainted. For more information about the directory, write to UL at 333 Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062-2096, tel: (847) 272-8800, or fax: (847) 272-8129.