Whether you're a cabling contractor or a cabling-system end-user, DuPont Abandoned Cable Services (www.dupont.com/cablingsolutions) has an offer aimed at you. For end-user organizations, DuPont is recognizing October as National Fire Prevention Month by providing a 50-percent discount on an initial cabling infrastructure assessment through the end of the month. After the assessment, DuPont will provide an existing condition report (ECR) that includes a detailed analysis of infrastructure concerns, a summary of related codes and standards, and recommendations for corrective action.
"October is National Fire Protection Month, and no company understands the importance of fire safety better than DuPont," says Pat Lindner, DuPont Communications Cabling solutions global business manager. "There is approximately 60 billion feet of cable installed in commercial buildings, much of which is made with highly combustible materials that can pose a significant fire risk to structures and people. A significant percentage of this cable is no longer in use, or has been abandoned. DuPont Abandoned Cable Services offers simple and affordable services to help customers understand and handle abandoned cable challenges. This discount offer is intended to make starting the abandoned cable removal process even easier."
With its other offer, the company is offering contractors who recycle end-of-life copper cable through DuPont Abandoned Cable Services eligibility to win a trip to a 2006 NASCAR Nextel Cup Series race and a chance to meet Jeff Gordon, who drives the DuPont Chevrolet on the Nextel Cup Circuit.
The DuPont Motorsports Cable Points Challenge runs through May 31, 2006. Any registered contractor firm recycling end-of-life copper cables with DuPont during the dates of the promotion will earn points redeemable for DuPont Motorsports prizes. The grand prize is an all-inclusive Nextel Cup race weekend getaway for two, including round-trip airfare, two-night accommodations, and race passes. The cable removal and recycling must be completed within the dates of the promotion. Points will be based on the weight of the cable, and all copper cable types are eligible.
"DuPont is pleased to offer this program for contractors because it helps raise awareness about the dangers of abandoned cable and the need to remove and handle it in an environmentally responsible way," says Lindner. "The National Electrical Code requirement clearly recognizes that generations of abandoned cables are dangerous and increase the fire fuel load in commercial buildings. By removing and recycling abandoned cable, we make our buildings and communities safer. Our cable recycling program offers contractors an easy and attractive way to handle site removal of cable, and will help minimize the amount of plastics from cables that is regularly sent to landfills."
Registered contractor firms can earn cable challenge points based on the weight of cabling removed from a building and submitted to DuPont for recycling. DuPont recycle partners will weigh the cable for recycle and award one cable challenge point for every two pounds of cable.
Prizes will be awarded in June 2006, based on the total points accrued. One winner will be chosen in each of five geographical regions of the United States, and prizes will be based upon the total points awarded to each firm.
More information on both promotions is available at www.dupont.com/cablingsolutions.