Sage Research (
recently announced SageStore, its online venue to sell research reports and other data.
"With the ability to purchase charts individually, organizations will only pay for the
research they really need, and they'll receive it within a few minutes of purchase via e-
mail," said Sage's president Kathryn Korostoff. "We're offering this capability in
response to requests from our clients who, in many instances, only need the information
provided in a single chart."
Features of the online store include instant delivery via e-mail; specific details about
charts, including exact question asked, basic information identifying the sample
population, and the number of participants in the study; a variety of topics, including IP
telephony, network cabling, and fiber-to-the-desktop; and credit-card payment options.
For each report, the store provides the table of contents, basic demographic information,
and a link to the report's electronic brochure.