Advance Fiber Optics Inc. ( has introduced an inside-plant management tool for premises fiber networks that provides the detail and functionality of its OSPInSight outside-plant management system. "Providing network planners and engineers with an affordable means to identify equipment usage levels, wavelength availability and location details, the OSPInSight Insde Plant Manager-Edit enables operations managers to improve system planning, maximize system capacity, and thus achieve lower costs and higher productivity," the company said in announcing the product.
"We developed the Inside Plant Manager-Edit to create a more complete network management system that affords inside-plant engineers and planners the same reliability, ease of use, and detailed data available in our OSPInSight outside-plant product," explains Clay Arnell, chief executive officer of Advance Fiber Optics. "By integrating the inside-plant tools, DWDM [dense wavelength-division multiplexing] technology can be managed at the optical level, making it easy to access bandwidth allocations and building-to-building equipment details at the click of a button."
He adds that the advent of inside-plant management software eliminates the historical difficulty, or impossibility, of identifying fiber-optic equipment usage and network capacity.
The OSPInSight Inside Plant Manager-Edit provides information regarding equipment usage levels, wavelength availability, connection types, floor plans, bays, racks, shelves, cards, ports, and many other aspects of the network. AFO says it allows network managers to do the following.
Graphically view network ring schematics and associated elements
Model complex network components and track the optical layer of the fiber network
Ensure accuracy of key network parameters
Create layers for any of the network's passive or active elements
Tie all inside-plant records directly to the outside-plant data
OSPInSight is AFO's flagship product, having been introduced in 1995 and deployed by local exchange carriers, cable TV operators, governments, and utilities.
More information is available by visiting the company's Web site or calling (800) 222-0653.