Ultra high-bandwidth ring links financial users with the world
March 1, 2000
In what is believed to be the first metro ring configuration of the OC-192 SONET rate to interface with an IP network, Hitachi Telecom's (Norcross, GA) AMN 5192 SONET equipment has been deployed in New York City's financial district by Global Crossing (Hamilton, Bermuda).
In what is believed to be the first metro ring configuration of the OC-192 SONET rate to interface with an IP network, Hitachi Telecom's (Norcross, GA) AMN 5192 SONET equipment has been deployed in New York City's financial district by Global Crossing (Hamilton, Bermuda). The New York ring traffic mix will include OC-48c traffic to and from Global Crossing's London-to-New York submarine link and the company's North American crossing network.
The four-fiber BLSR configuration includes nodes in New York City and Newark, NJ, and gives financial and business customers a seamless, ultra high bandwidth connectivity. (www.hitel.com; www.globalcrossing.com)