August 23, 2001 HellermannTyton are making the test results from Intertek Testing Services (ETL Semko) for the company's GigaBand Category 6 and MegaBand Category 5e structured cabling systems available.
August 23, 2001 HellermannTyton ( are making the test results from Intertek Testing Services (ETL Semko— for the company's GigaBand Category 6 and MegaBand Category 5e structured cabling systems available.
"The GigaBand system was tested out to 400 MHz—which is beyond the proposed standard's limit of 250 MHz," states Don Nicholson, general manager for ETL Semko Cabling Products Testing Group. "We successfully tested HellermannTyton's GigaBand system with a 4-connector, worst-case configuration up to 400 MHz." Also, ETL tested the system and found it to meet the requirements in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE— 802.3ab Gigabit Ethernet standard and delivers zero bit-error rates.
HellermannTyton's Category 5e MegaBand structured cabling system was also tested by ETL. Tested with a worst-case configuration using four connectors, the MegaBand system performs up to and above 200 MHz. It provides an average margin of 24 dB at a PSCAR specification of 3.1 dB at 100 MHz, as listed in the Category 5e standard.