Telecom downturn will slow but not stall VOIP efforts
Aug. 23, 2001
August 23, 2001 According to IDC, while the current slowdown in telecommunications equipment spending will have a noticeable impact on VOIP vendors, it will not stall the overall technological shift toward next-generation solutions that is currently underway.
August 23, 2001 According to IDC (, while the current slowdown in telecommunications equipment spending will have a noticeable impact on VOIP vendors, it will not stall the overall technological shift toward next-generation solutions that is currently underway.
IDC believes the current market slowdown in telecom will have a mixed effect on the market for IP telephony equipment. One reason for this is the IP telephony equipment market sprawls across many different equipment types and applications.
IDC's study "The Market Slowdown in IP Telephony: Which Areas Will Be Most Affected" evaluates nine separate application segments in which revenue-producing deployments of IP telephony equipment are currently taking place. The study also provides quantitative rankings for each of the nine areas.
For more informtation, or to purchase this study, contact Demetra Georgakopoulos at 1-800-343-4952, extension 4496, or email [email protected].