The MT-RJ Consortium redesigned its Web site,, to give IT professionals access to information regarding MT-RJ technology, products, and supporting network equipment vendors.
In addition to a new design, the site offers increased functionality and information about the MT-RJ connector system, a small form factor fiber-optic interface.
In addition to background information, design characteristics, technical specifications, and frequently asked questions, the MT-RJ connector system Web site has installation tips, including a video demonstration. Users can also get news updates, review technical papers, and read case studies.
"The supporting Vendors and Licensees section should prove to be a very valuable resource for both network specialists and MT-RJ component suppliers," states Bob Pollock, director of private networks marketing for Corning Cable Systems and Consortium founding member. "Here, users can view the growing list of leading network equipment manufacturers supporting MT-RJ technology and obtain information about the broad range of MT-RJ-based products that each offers. Site links and contact information are also included to help facilitate interaction between buyers and suppliers. It's a true win-win situation." MT-RJ supplier listings on the site are available at no cost and all MT-RJ product vendors and licensees are encouraged to participate.