April 9, 2001 Frontline Test Equipment, Inc. announced the availability of the SerialBlue analyzer.
Frontline Test Equipment, Inc. (www.fte.com) announced the availability of the SerialBlue analyzer for the HCI UART, L2CAP, and BCSP Bluetooth protocols. SerialBlue captures and analyzes serial Bluetooth data as it travels between a host and host controller. The SerialBlue feature set includes real-time data capture, timestamping, filtering, and error analysis. SerialBlue fully decodes data frames on the link between a Bluetooth host and host controller at the bit level. This full decoding capability enables Bluetooth product developers to rapidly detect and isolate even the most minute and intermittent problems associated with their product designs. SerialBlue runs on any Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000 compatible PC. In its standard configuration, using two standard PC serial ports, the product supports data rates up to 115.2Kbps. With an optional high-speed serial card, also available from Frontline, SerialBlue supports speeds up to 921.6Kbps.