April 10, 2001 According to Cahners In-Stat Group the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) market will grow to well over 200 million users by 2004.
April 10, 2001 According to Cahners In-Stat Group (www.instat.com) the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) market will grow to well over 200 million users by 2004. Helping drive greater adoption of wireless Internet services over the next few years will be the merging of two formally disparate standards, WML (on which WAP is based) and compact HTML into a new standard based on xHTML. The greatest number of WAP users was in Germany, which had 1.25 million. High Speed Circuit Switched Data (HSCSD) has had a relatively low uptake and will remain a small niche sector of the market with predominantly corporate customers. The window of opportunity for 2.5G services before the scheduled launch of 3G services was thought to be minimal, but the fear now being expressed by operators about limited availability of 3G handsets may prolong the viability of 2.5G.