October 13, 2008--BICSI is working with the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) to develop strategies for the recognition of technology infrastructure-related innovation credits in the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) green building certification system.
BICSI representatives, including President Edward Donelan, RCDD, NTS, TLT, of Telecom Infrastructure Corp., and President-elect Brian Hansen, RCDD, NTS, of Leviton Network Solutions, met in March with USGBC's Brendan Owens, VP of LEED Technical Development, to create an awareness that the information transport systems (ITS) industry manufacturers and contractors have products and processes that could apply for LEED credits, if technology credits were a part of the existing LEED rating system.
"We recognized a long time ago that there were no technology credits for LEED; we are responding to requests from our membership to respond to this issue," says Hansen. "There are various manufacturers that are producing green-friendly products and have processes in place--such as technology, recycling and green-friendly packaging--that could apply for LEED credits, but don't because there is no placeholder within the current system for it."
Owens agreed with BICSI's concern, so he requested that BICSI create a consortium consisting of representatives from the industry to create the necessary technology credits for LEED. Members of the consortium are chairman Hansen; Dave Labuskes, RCDD, NTS, OSP, of RTKL Associates Inc.; Betty Bezos, RCDD, NTS, OSP, WD, of Bezos Technologies; and Ed Mikoski, Vice President, Standards and Business Development for the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA).
Mikoski was added because of his direct involvement in helping to create an international green manufacturing certification program with the U.S. Electronic Components Certification Board (ECCB) called IECQ QC 080000--a certification that Hansen feels will be coveted throughout the industry once the technology credits are established in the LEED rating system. Recently, a couple of members from InfoComm were added to the consortium, providing information for the audio/video industry.
Consortium members have already made comments on the existing system where possible technology credits could be included in the innovation in design section of the 2009 LEED rating system. The next meeting will be held in November at the Greenbuild International Conference and Expo in Boston, MA., where the consortium will begin working on the technical writing of the technology credits.
"As the preeminent source for the ITS industry, BICSI is proud to cooperate with the USGBC to work together toward recognition of technology in the vital role of improvement and innovation of sustainable buildings," says Donelan.
"We recognize the need to have technology credits on a LEED-rated project," adds Hansen. "This will be a huge benefit to our membership working on LEED-certified projects."
On the Web: www.bicsi.org