Legrand Ortronics adds modular, configurable cabinets to Mighty Mo line

Jan. 5, 2012
The Mighty Mo GX cabinet series is available in 29 different frame sizes.

The GX cabinet series is the newest addition to Legrand Ortronics' Mighty Mo line of equipment. Mighty Mo GX cabinets "provide clients with a broad offering of cost-effective, free-standing cabinets that ship from both East and West coast locations to allow quick delivery times," the company explains. "The GX cabinets are modular and configurable to suit the needs of any installation. The cabinets can either stand alone in a telecom room environment or be easily ganged together to support data center applications."

Legrand Ortronics further explains that Mighty Mo GX cabinets leverage the best practices of infrastructure design, providing the proper support and protection needed for network or server equipment. Critical cable support and management options are available to minimize signal loss and maintain proper cable bend radius, the company adds, also noting that the GX series has ample space and a static load capacity of 3,000 pounds to support the latest high-density switching equipment or servers. Also available are accessories to manage heat load.

Each cabinet can be assembled with as few or as many accessories as needed to properly support servers, active equipment and connectivity needs, the company says. It is available in 29 different frame sizes, including two preconfigured choices (one of which is pictured at the bottom of this page), and available in white or black color options.

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