September 6, 2007 -- The Association for Communications Technology Professionals in Higher Education (ACUTA ) announced that the focus of its annual Fall Seminars this year will be the challenges facing colleges and universities in the areas of mobile communications, business continuity, and disaster recovery. The seminars are to be held October 14 - 17 in Minneapolis, at the Minneapolis Hilton.
According to a press release, the seminars will feature presentations by representatives of large and small institutions from around the U.S. Representing schools such as the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Syracuse University, the University of Oregon, Michigan State University, Morrisville State College in New York, and the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota, the presenters will share their insight, experiences, and successes with their peers.
Educational sessions concentrating on converged mobile communications will address topics such as campus Wi-Fi, wireless local networking, mobile phone financial issues, and mobile integration. On the business continuity and disaster recovery side, presenters will cover topics including campus emergency response, emergency notification options, and campus security issues. A "simulated IT department disaster" will also be staged.
"This year's Fall Seminars will deal with some of the most pressing issues facing ACUTA member colleges and universities," comments Jeri Semer, executive director of ACUTA. "How to cope with the surge in wireless communications and deal with emergencies on their campuses are major concerns today. In our seminars, the educational sessions combine with extensive networking opportunities, so communications technology professionals can learn from each other, developing information sources and contacts that benefit them and their institutions."