June 8, 2007 -- The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has published the first global blown fiber standard, IEC 60794-5. The document includes definitions of blown fiber products and a test menu for customers.
In response, Emtelle issued a statement expressing confidence that "the document will enable those who manufacture, install and operate blown fiber technology to communicate with greater clarity, cooperate more efficiently, and design and install increasingly effective blown fiber systems."
The company contends that the standard both confirms the extent to which blown fiber has been accepted worldwide, and provides manufacturers, installers and customers with shared, authoritative guidelines.
"Emtelle believes that IEC 60794-5 serves the best interests of the blown fiber market," comments Dave Stockton, Emtelle's technical director. "As an industry leader and influential member of FTTH Councils worldwide, we have long and vigorously advocated the creation of such a standard."
IEC 60794-5 ("Microduct cabling for installation by blowing") covers the outdoor products that Emtelle specializes in promoting, producing and installing. The document addresses issues including optical fibers, microducts, optical fiber cables, microduct fiber unit cables, markings, installation and operating conditions, testing and quality assurance.
The test methods referenced in the document are taken from the internationally recognized standard IEC 60794-1-2, which is widely accepted in the fiber-optic cable industry. "Emtelle supports these test methods fully," continues Stockton. "In fact, we have been using and quoting them since long before IEC 60794-5 was drafted."
Currently in draft form, another two standards (IEC 60794-5-10 and 60794-5-20) will detail the acceptance criteria for the testing of mini-cables and fiber unit systems. It is envisaged that these standards will be finalized 2007-2008.