December 5, 2007 -- Glenn International Inc. (San Juan, Puerto Rico) announced that, as of Friday November 30, it has resigned the representation of CommScope, including the company's Systimax and Uniprise brands, for the territories of the Caribbean and Central America. Instead, for these territories, Glenn now represents Berk-Tek/Ortronics and its NetClear product line.
"We represented Ortronics for over 8 years prior to the acquisition of Systimax by CommScope, and now recognize that we made the wrong choice of resigning Ortronics in May of 2004," comments Ignacio Diaz, director of Glenn's telecommunications division. "But we have now gone back to our roots [and are] excited over our re-instatement with the Ortronics-BerkTek team."
With headquarters in San Juan, Glenn has locations in the Dominican Republic, Trinidad, Panama, Costa Rica, and Guatemala. With specialized divisions for electrical, lighting and telecommunications, the company says it covers the Caribbean and Central American regions from all of its locations, and sells over $100 million annually.
"We carried the CommScope line for over 10 years, and we were unique by selling boththe Systimax and Uniprise brands under one organization," continues Diaz. "We have signed with Ortronics and Berk-Tek in order to offer better service, better availability, and more aggressive pricing in our region."
To offer better service in the region, Glenn says it will host consigned inventory in its 70,000 square feet warehouse in San Juan.
Diaz concludes, "This is a business of relationships, and the people of Ortronics and BerkTek are focused on building relationships. Their products make up a great solution and their attitude towards the business is tremendous."