New from Jonard Tools, the WSC-826 is a multi-function wire stripper designed to cut and strip wire from 8 - 26 AWG (10 mm² - 0.013 mm²) without any adjustments needed.
According to Jonard, the WSC-826 is ideal for stripping Romex 12 and 14 AWG cables and most stranded or solid conductors.
The tool integrates a wire cutter and crimper for non-insulated terminals. Its handy adjustable wire stop is designed to ensure precise and consistent results.A special micro adjustment knob allows the tool to work on cables as small as 30 AWG and as large as 8 AWG.
The crimper portion of the tool works on non-insulated terminals from 10 to 22 AWG, and there is a separate crimper for crimping 7 mm to 8 mm ignition wires.
This short video takes a tour of the Jonard Tools booth at a recent ISC West Show in Las Vegas, as the company showcases its innovative, high quality products for the VDV and Security & Alarm industries.