NECA urges Congress to apply Davis-Bacon

June 17, 2003
June 17, 2003--A recent an ad in Congress's Roll Call newspaper encourages the inclusion of prevailing-wage language in pending legislation.

The National Electrical Contractors Association ( has made its support for Davis-Bacon Act coverage on all federally funded construction projects known to members of Congress. NECA recently joined the 24,000-member Contractor's Coalition for Fair Contracting to encourage legislators to pass all infrastructure bills with full Davis-Bacon coverage.

The Coalition ran a full-page ad in the Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call, touting the Davis-Bacon Act as a necessary means to strengthen the American economy. The Act was put in place 72 years ago and requires the locally prevailing wage to be paid to various classes of laborers and mechanics working under federally financed or federally assisted contracts for construction, alteration, and repair of public buildings or public works.

"With so many myths circulating about prevailing wage laws, it is important for NECA contractors to remind Congress that applications of the Davis-Bacon Act on these infrastructure bills will provide benefits to workers and the economy and will avoid future hidden costs," said NECA government affairs director Robert White.

To see the ad placed in Roll Call, which can be viewed as a PDF document, click here.

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