Book explains best practices, standards for cabling construction projects

Dec. 5, 2012
157-page document covers design strategies, risk assessment, operational and management issues.

The U.K.-based Fibreoptic Industry Association (FIA) collaborated with consulting-engineering firm Arup to develop a 157-page book entitled Telecommunications Cabling: Guidance on Standards and Best Practices for Construction Projects. Available from British Standards Institution (BSI), the book was authored by Arup associate Mani Manivannan and FIA technical and standards director Mike Gilmore.

In describing the document and its value, BSI explained, “Whether small-, medium- or large-scale construction, new build or upgrade; whether cabling has to last for the short-term or over many years, making the right decisions will affect the way an investment works and how the end users experience service delivery as a network or applications experience.” The organization also says the book “… maps out the issues, highlights the risk areas and offers guidance to those in the industry.”

The book is available for online purchase for £35. BSI has made the first chapter available for free download.

You can find out more information about the book, download its first chapter, and order it here.

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