Q: I was reading "TIA standards scene is complex and fast-paced," April 1996 (page 65) in which your name was mentioned as chairing an ad hoc task force on pathway separation. We have a special interest in steam-line separation in our outside plant at Indiana University. Has your group addressed this topic, and are there any guidelines or standards at present?
John W. Chambers
University Telecommunications
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN
A: The pathway separation task group was given a specific scope of work when the group was formed: to rewrite section 10.4 of the TIA-569 standard, which deals with electromagnetic interference (EMI) issues. No work has been done in the task group regarding separation from steam lines or anything other than power conductors.
Generic requirements for thermoplastic insulated steam-resistant cable, document number GR-110-Core, contains Bellcore`s view of the requirements for this type of cable when used near a steam-distribution system in the outside plant.
On pathways design and installation requirements -- so far, no luck. However, the TR41.8.4 working group is currently working on a draft of the customer-owned outside plant standard. I will present your inquiry at the next meeting and inform you of the progress.
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