I recently read and wanted to reply to your editorial in the June 1997 issue (page 5), "Are business partnerships counter to standards?"
I recently read and wanted to reply to your editorial in the June 1997 issue (page 5), "Are business partnerships counter to standards?"
I just completed a one-and-a-half- year corporate-headquarters project for which I served as the project manager responsible for computer-room design and network installation. My responsibilities included all aspects of the technology--evaluating and selecting cable and components for the physical infrastructure.
Although I knew that manufacturers were establishing partnerships, I selected two that had partnerships but not with each other. My statement to them was simple: "I won`t buy your product if you don`t give me the warranty." Their response was to give me the warranty. After all, they want to sell their products.
You know what, though? Those warranties are nothing more than a sales gimmick--but that`s an issue for another time.