BICSI releases RITP credential details

April 28, 2010
The RITP is similar to the Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD) credential with the exception that there is no requirement for actual design experience.

Tampa, Fla. -- BICSI has released its Registered Information Technology Professional (RITP) credential exam application.

The RITP is similar to the Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD) credential with the exception that there is no requirement for actual design experience. The focus of the designation are those individuals who work in the ITS industry but do not design ITS systems or have limited design experience including instructors, educators, project managers and sales personnel.

The RITP requires a minimum of two years of ITS industry-related experience, including but not limited to ITS/IS military experience, site or project management or industry sales. Applicants also need either to have graduated with an Associate of Science, Bachelor of Science, or Master of Science degree in an approved technical field of study or have achieved two or more approved industry certifications. Applicants must also have successfully passed the BICSI ITS Design Fundamentals examination through BICSI CONNECT.

The primary difference between the RCDD and RITP written exams is the distribution of knowledge versus design application questions. The RITP exam is focused on the knowledge content of the technology involved in the ITS industry rather than the working application of the technology required to produce design documents for construction and implementation of ITS infrastructure.

The RITP exam consists of 150 questions drawn from the BICSI Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual (TDMM). The format of the RITP exam is closed-book, multiple choice and true/false questions. BICSI recommends 125+ hours of independent study. For those with the lowest levels of exposure to the ITS industry BICSI offers a host of courses, including online classes.

“I’m excited about our newest credential, the RITP. It is going to be a great addition to the suite of excellent credentials/specialties that BICSI has to offer its members,” said Brian Hansen, RCDD, NTS, CSI, BICSI President. “The RITP recognizes and provides a certification for those members who are professionals in the ITS industry, but don’t have design experience.”

Two RITP Beta Exams will be held, the first being at the 2010 BICSI Canadian Conference & Exhibition in Montreal, Quebec, and the second at the 2010 BICSI European Conference & Exhibition in Dublin, Ireland. The first official exam will be held at the 2010 BICSI Fall Conference & Exhibition on September 13 in Las Vegas, Nev. Additional information, including an application, can be found at

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