NEW YORK, NY -- The 1st IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm) will be held 4 – 6 October 2010 at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA.
Sponsored by theIEEE Communications Society (ComSoc), the worldwide professional organization dedicated to the advancement of communications technologies, the IEEE SmartGridComm conference focuses on all communications aspects that are relevant to the Smart Grid.
IEEE SmartGridComm aims at bringing together researchers from academia, industry, and national labs to exchange novel ideas, explore enabling technologies, analyze theoretical issues, discuss open problems, propose innovative designs, and share field trial experiences and lessons learned.
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The General Co-Chairs of IEEE SmartGridComm are Dr. George Arnold (NIST, National Coordinator for Smart Grid Interoperability) and Dr. Stefano Galli (Panasonic, Lead Scientist).
“Developing Smart Grid has become an urgent global priority as its economic, environmental, and societal benefit will be enjoyed by generations to come,” says Dr. Galli. “Information and communications technologies are the fundamental enabler for achieving the ambitious goals set in the Smart Grid vision."
According to IEEE, these goals include: providing the capability of supporting two-way energy and information flow, performing advanced monitoring and control, isolating and restoring power outages more quickly, facilitating the integration of renewable energy sources into the grid, and empowering consumers with tools for optimizing their energy consumption.
Galli continues, "As it happened in the past with the introduction of radio, telephone, television, mobile phones, and the Internet, communications will be again at the center of major technological and societal changes. These changes will then help achieve the ultimate Smart Grid vision: a more energy efficient and greener society.”
“Just as the Internet has transformed the way we think about, use and manage information, the Smart Grid will transform the way we think about, use and manage energy” adds IEEE's Dr. George Arnold. “The intertwining of communications and information technology in the modernized electric grid presents new opportunities for innovation and environmental sustainability as well as new challenges for ensuring a robust and secure infrastructure."
Arnold concludes, "This conference will provide a unique opportunity for experts from around the world to share their knowledge and contribute to the modernization of one of the most complex systems ever created.”
IEEE says that the SmartGridComm event was specifically designed to promote the discussion of innovations, ideas, problems and experiences among the world’s leading academic and industrial researchers. To fulfill this goal, IEEE SmartGridComm was strategically divided into 12 separate symposia to ensure the exploration of nearly every key communication area.
Interested parties are invited to submit original papers to any of the following 12 symposia:
Cyber and Physical Security and Privacy
Interconnections and Communications of Electric Vehicles and Smart Grids
Virtual Power Plants, Distributed Generation, Microgrids, Renewables and Storage
Smart Grid and Area Networks (HAN, IAN, BAN, FAN and NAN)
Networking for Smart Grid (IETF, 6LoWPAN, ROLL, IPv4/IPv6, etc.)
Wide-Area Monitoring and Control
Architectures and Models for the Smart Grid
Smart/Virtual Metering, Demand Response, Dynamic Pricing
Standardization, Interoperability and Coexistence
The Whole Picture: Sense, Communicate, Compute, Control
Field Trials, Deployments, and Lessons Learnt
Regulatory Issues and Their Impact on Communications Aspects
Prospective authors interested in submitting original contributions on these topics are urged to visit for specific submission guidelines as well as ongoing conference details. All submitted papers will be properly peer-reviewed by members of the Technical Program Committee and other experts active in the field to ensure the high quality typical of IEEE scientific conferences.
The deadline for paper submissions is 1 May 2010.
Heather Ann Sweeney of the IEEE Communications Society is also available at 212-705-8938 or [email protected] to answer questions and provide additional conference details.