Cabling standards group elects chair, vice-chair, committee heads

Feb. 26, 2010
Bob Jensen and Valerie Maguire will serve two-year terms as chair and vice-chair, respectively, of TIA's TR-42 Engineering Committee.

We reported last week that Valerie Maguire of Siemon had been elected vice-chair of the Telecommunications Industry Association's TR-42 Engineering Committee. TIA recently announced full results of the elections held during TR-42's February meeting. Bob Jensen of Fluke Networks has been elected chair of TR-42. Jensen and Maguire will serve two-year terms in their leadership posts in the cabling standards committee.

Six subcommittees also elected chairs and vice-chairs in February, as follows.

TR-42.2 Subcommittee on Residential Telecommunications Infrastructure
Chair: Ray Emplitt, Legrand Wiremold
Vice-Chair: Jensen

TR-42.4 Subcommittee on Customer-Owned Outside Plant Telecommunications Infrastructure
Chair: Julie Roy, C2 Consulting
Vice-Chair: Jamie Silva, Corning

TR-42.6 Subcommittee on Telecommunications Infrastructure and Equipment Administration
Chair: Steve Huffaker, JPMorgan Chase and Company
Vice-Chair: Jonathan Jew, J&M Consulting

TR-42.12 Subcommittee on Optical Fibers and Cables
Chair: Mike Kinard, OFS
Vice-chair: Brett Lane, Panduit Corporation

TR-42.13 Subcommittee on Passive Optical Devices and Components
Chair: David Fisher, Tyco Electronics
Vice-Chair: Helmet Kner, Telcordia Technologies

TR-42.16 Subcommittee on Premises Telecommunications Bonding & Grounding
Chair: Mark Harger, Harger Inc.
Vice-Chair: Richard Jones, Richard Jones Consulting

The TR-42 committee also approved the merger of subcommittee TR-42.8 Optical Fiber Cabling systems into the TR-42.11 Optical Systems subcommittee, which is chaired by Paul Kolesar.

"On behalf of TIA, I want to express our deep gratitude to TR-42's newest leaders," said TIA vice president for technology and business development, Cheryl Blum. "This is an energized group and the important standards they work to develop and maintain have great impact, improving telecommunications cabling technology in ways that make it more energy efficient and effective in creating a sustainable world."

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